Let’s get straight to point:
100+ Questions Daily. Solve AT LEAST 100 questions daily (all subjects combined) - these include all the homework, lectures, DPPs, test, books etc. Now, this is the minimum. Ideal would be 150-200 per day. If you solve these many questions till the day of your JEE Advanced, you are sure to do really well.
10+ Hours study. You must study 10 hours on a daily basis until your JEE is held. I have found zero aspirants in my experience who studied this much till their JEE and didn’t get a great college. And by 10 hours, I mean 10 hours of pure JEE studies. Don’t fool yourself, you will know when you study 10 hours/day. If you are in a dummy school or self study, this is even more easier.
Don’t quit till the end. There is no point in thinking about the future or the past. Just get on with your work, practice hard and get ahead. You must keep pushing till the day your exams are finally over. These are like the death overs in a cricket match - you must hit 4s and 6s to put together a large total. If you keep worrying about how good or bad your prep has been so far, it will only waste your own time.
Hope these tips helped. If you want more help, you can enrol in my JEE 2024 course which is available for just Rs 2999 (Rs 7000 OFF) till 26th September midnight. We already have ~1300 students studying with us, you can’t go wrong with it :)
Ok bhaiya.. I will surely do it but only 3 - 4 months are left and I have to revise full 11th + 12th backlogs ... Can I get a reply ASAP to how to boost my studies.. I have seen all ur videos but plz reply to me once 🙏