Will be quick and tell you just three things.
Don’t take much tension. Look, if you are supposed to get into a great college then you will. If not, it wasn’t meant to me. Maybe you are made for something else - which is fine. Either case, worrying about the exam won’t increase your performance. It can reduce it though - so just stop thinking about the exam approaching.
Work hard. Nothing apart from your exams should be on your mind for the next few weeks. All your time should go into studies - revision, tests, practice, working on weak areas. You can still increase your performance a bit, and if you stop now your performance will 100% deteriorate.
Give a lot of tests. At the end of the day, JEE is an exam. You will have to solve questions at a fast pace, take fast decisions on what to skip and what to do first, and avoid mistakes. Unless you give many tests right now you won’t get the hang of it. Ideally give a test ever day till January attempt. At least give one every 2 days. This is a great source of revision as well.
That was it, this is your time - make good use of it and make it yours :)
Note: My JEE 2024 course is available for just Rs 2999 till 18th January. This course will help you with final revision for January + study for April attempt and Advanced. 12,000+ of your batchmates and seniors have studied from this and benefitted.